Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today's surprising emotion is Empathy. I am sad, I mean in a real sincere caring way, I am sad for all of us who have to commute long distance daily. Irrespective of their IQ, gender and well demeanour. The Daily commute is the muggle equivalent of the Dementors(It even begins with a D). It doesnt just eat up all that time which we somehow are always short of and renders you useless for the remaining part of the day. It sucks your spirit out of you. It kills your love for travel, drains you of any hope and energy and you feel like you can never be happy or fresh again. It only differs from the azkaban guard in that- instead of having a chilly effect, it increases the heat, which is much the worse. Besides contributing largely to global warming of course. I shudder to think of a life without the ladies compartment or the Mohila seats in our buses. Some scientist needs to figure out a way to make teleportation possible. Its about time really.
They have made Half Blood Prince quite well. It was enjoyable and funny and much less boring than the book. I cant imagine i am finally admitting that Half Blood Prince(print edition) was boring. Chutney, I know you wont read this. But it was real sweet of you to come! I will remain forever obliged. The movie remained quite faithful to the book and the improvisations were fitting. Though the "close your eyes" thing between Ginny and Harry was a little cheesy. Lav Lav and Luna were awesome. Draco was ruddy brilliant. I do wish Daniel was taller though. I was already tired when we entered our training room today. So i worked half heartedly. Not really taking anything in. It rained in the afternoon and I saw a rainbow after like a long long long timeand found it more fascinating than all the magic i had witnessed in the morning. I wonder if this implies that I am transforming into an old lady. EEEEEKS! I would rather Fenrir bit me. Last week i was scared that i might become an abandoned frustu with 20 and 1 cats, now that all my friends around me were hooking up. But then it is not making much of a difference to their lives really. So i am much relaxed now. The universe is still in equilibrium and I still have to take the CAT at the end of this year. Blimey! I almost forgot about tat. Gotta go!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Story So Far #1

"Two years....only two years of life is ahead of you. You can choose to spend them in a heaven of knowledge, freedom and cheese, or" , the rodent glanced at her audience listening with rapt attention "spend them cooped up in decadence, fear, shame and darkness. My friends, the choice is ours to make. Death is inevitable what matters is the journey. We cannot let that feline fiend destroy our careers. Let us show it who we are. We have to surpass our limitations, reach our true potential and unleash it on that beast. Ladies and Gentlemice! we have before us a life that we want to live and just one question stands in its path- WHO WILL BELL THE CAT?"
"WE WILL" The crowd roared. The wizened rat smiled. The hall was vibrant with energy. At the very back a small mouse was seated, trying to fade in his chair. Soslow wiped the beads of perspiration formed on his whiskers. His heart was thumping with the roar echoing through the hall. They were felicitating the fantabulous fifty- the top 50 warriors of the community. The ones from whom the rodents expected the most. Soslow was sulking, seething. He hadnt been selected. "Non Performance can never be rewarded"- his grandpa's voice was echoing in his head. He felt anger flowing through his veins. He had faced a tremendous disappointment. He got up from his chair and quietly left the celebrating rodents and walked into the darkness. The firmament had no stars for him today. Dark clouds hovered above his head. He walked to the beach and sat there, his brow knitted, contemplating the month's happenings. A month ago he was so sure of his abilities. Everything was going so well. Everyone told him, he would make it. So how did he end up here today? Wasnt he supposed to be the greatest rodent of all times? He stared had at the horizon, forcing back tears into his beady eyes. The ocean looked foreboding, its waves splashing wildly. He heard a faint voice. Meesha was standing behind him.